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Building documentation from source

All HTML documentation is located in the docs/ project's directory and is built using Material for MkDocs.

It's only necessary to have Docker installed.

Building documentation

By default the docs will be built in the /tmp/docs directory, to do so follow these steps.

git clone
cd gimage
mkdir /tmp/docs
docker run -it --rm \
    -v $PWD/docs:/docs \
    -v /tmp/docs:/tmp/docs squidfunk/mkdocs-material build

Output the docs in a different directory

If you want to output the docs in a different directory then append the --site-dir=/new/dir/path/ argument to the "squidfunk/mkdocs-material" build command and make sure to provide the new directory path.

Development server

If you want to improve the documentation then run the built-in development server via docs/docker-compose.yml.

git clone
cd gimage
docker-compose -f docs/docker-compose.yml up

Now the server will be available at localhost:8000